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Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.50.

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This bench pin comes with multiple slots cut in it to support your metal from all sides while doing intricate sawing.
It also has a V-Slot for general sawing purposes.
You can attach it to your bench with the provided clamp, but it also has holes cut to securely mount it to your bench with screws if you prefer.
The specialized slots in this bench pin are located on both sides, making it convenient for right and left-handed people.
Grooves cut in the ends offer support for filing your wire and sheets.
Measures 6 x 4 inches, 1/2 an inch thick, and accommodates for a bench up to 2 1/4 inches thick.

Brand: SKU: MACHBNCPNSF Category: Tag:


about this item
This bench pin comes with multiple slots cut in it to support your metal from all sides while doing complex sawing
This is a V slot for general sawing purposes. You can attach it to your bench with the provided clamp
This bench pin has special slots located on either side, making it convenient for both right- and left-handed people.
Measures 6 x 4 inches, is suitable for benches up to 1/2 an inch thick, and 2 1/4 inches thick.

Additional information

Weight0.299 kg
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